3 Birds, One Rock Tomb (Falkner)
- By Morbick
Move 1:Rock Tomb
Move 2:Bite
Move 3:
Move 4:
Hard Stone / Oran BerryAbility:
Poison Touch / GluttonyDescription
Alolan Grimer is fairly bulky with a defensive stat distribution of 80 HP and 50 in both defenses. Barring crits, it takes less than half from all of Falkner's Pokemon. Really the only moves you need are Rock Tomb and Bite. Go for Hard Stone for one shots on Rufflet and Wattrel or Oran Berry for more survivability. Either way works, since Grimer outspeeds a -1 Spe Rufflet, and if it can live an Air Slash or Shock Wave from Wattrel, they'll go for Roost, which means a free Rock Tomb. The same strat sort of works for regular Grimer, but the Alolan one is more preferable since it's immune to Flittle's Psybeam.